"Discover endless opportunities for growth and adventure."


"e-Visa for Indonesia"

Most international visitors (except for ASEAN and Timor-Leste nationals) now require a visa for Bali.

You can apply for an electronic Visitor Visa (e-VOA) online. Ensure that you meet the necessary requirements and follow the application process

We are a curated internship program in Bali Indonesia.

"Safe and secure procedures with trusted partners."

  • Accommodation Services: Partner with local hotels, hostels, or serviced apartment providers to offer safe and comfortable accommodation for your interns. Make sure the accommodations are conveniently located and offer amenities like Wi-Fi, laundry, and security.
  • Mentorship and Networking Opportunities:Connect interns with local professionals or industry experts for mentorship and networking. This can provide them with valuable insights and potentially lead to future career opportunities.
  • Social Events and Team-Building Activities:Arrange regular social events and team-building activities to foster a sense of community among the interns. This can help them bond with each other and create a positive and inclusive environment.
  • Legal and Visa Support:Assist interns with the visa application process and provide information about local laws and regulations they need to be aware of during their stay.


Our work system includes internships, legal visas and more

Strict budget

Experience the city to the fullest without foregoing the fun and learning with out exclusive discount card. Valid for 6 months.

Ride with us

Prepare yourself better by learning how to ride a scooter and get a license. Add value by increasing mobility for yourself and your team members.

Career change

Refocus your purpose with a paycheck, post internship. Get discount to values-based mentoring.

Evaluation Mechanism

Set up a system to collect feedback from interns about their experience in the program.


Immerse yourself in a new culture, sharpen your professional skills, and make valuable connections while working with companies in your field. Our customized Internship plans are tailored to your individual goals, for maximum fulfillment.

Our Portfolio



Call To Action

Get valuable work experience to complete your education and open you to a whole new world, and get in touch with us.

Our Team

putra tangkas


Reza Yousefzadeh

Informatics section manager

Mehdi Mahroug

Scholl Relations Manager

Inès Mahroug

Trainee Manager

H Farokhian


Audy Zed


Contact Us

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Jl. Raya Canggu No.27, Kerobokan, Kec. Kuta Utara, Kabupaten Badung, Bali 80361